Doe heat signature as seen on a FLIR camera

[Comments in brackets are by Jeannine and Duane]


From the Northern Crew:

Greetings from the Susquehannock Deer Crew,

This week, we continued to work on FLIR surveys. We were able to knock most of them out and hopefully should be done with them in the upcoming week. 

On the way to starting the FLIR surveys, we came across a fox hunting.

Northern Crew Leader
PA Game Commission Deer and Elk Section


From the Southern Crew:

Hello all!

With most of this past week being a sweltering 70-80 degrees, we decided to hold off on moving the remainder of our traps and instead focus on our routes. So this week has been a bit more relaxed with us mainly chugging away at FLIRs (and finding one collar).

There’s a slightly different setup this year which certainly has its pros and cons. The sights this year have been pretty impressive, and we have continued to observe an astonishing amount of wildlife! 

It’s remarkable what the heat signatures look like captured on a FLIR camera- most of the pictures we have taken show deer that are fairly visible, but occasionally all we see (before spotlighting and adjusting the truck) is an ear. Sometimes all the clue we have consist of a glowing white blob on the camera, a bit reminiscent of a high stakes game of “I Spy”!

We should be done with our first round of FLIRs by the end of this week. We’ll continue to collect our clover traps and perhaps find another collar as the week progresses. 

Hope everyone’s having a good week!

Southern Crew Leader
PA Game Commission Deer and Elk Section