Photo Gallery
If you have an image to share, please email Duane Diefenbach.
Radio Collar Deer
Here we share images of radio-collared deer that were “captured” by folks with their game cameras.

Buck on Rothrock SF This is an ear-tagged buck, which means he was either captured as a fawn or during Jan-Mar trapping when we only ear-tagged deer <1 year old.

Buck 8961on Bald Eagle SF This buck was captured as an adult (at least 1.5 years old) in 2014. This photo was taken in November 2016 when he was at least 4.5 years old. If you go back through the photo gallery you can find pictures of him in prior years.

Collared Fawn with Doe This fawn was captured in 2016 on the Rothrock State Forest. Thanks to Jim Sabol for sharing this photo from August 3, 2016. Jim mentioned this was the first time he captured this fawn on a trail camera.

Collared Doe – Susquehannock State Forest Thanks to William Lingafelt for sharing this photo. He notes that usually he sees a collared female with 2 fawns in this area; however, we have 2 collared females in the area where he caught her on camera so it’s difficult to say which deer this is.

Doe with fawn Susquehannock State Forest – since this doe is only ear-tagged we cannot say how old she is or where she was captured. However, it’s nice to see she has 2 fawns with her! Thanks to William Lingafelter for sharing this photo.

Adult doe with fawn Female 8613 was captured in February 2016 as an adult and the photo was taken July 2016 with a fawn (likely her own; lower right of photo). This female is at least 3 years old.

Collared doe with fawn on Susquehannock SF Some doe are fitted with VITs that tell us when the fawn(s) is born. Unfortunately, we don’t always capture the fawn. This female evaded us and apparently has a fawn alive as of 6/24/2016.

Susquehannock Buck – not collared Compare this deer to Buck 8111 from Susquehannock SF. This deer appears to have a larger body and rack. This deer is probably >3.5 years old.

Buck 8111 – Susquehannock SF This buck was captured in winter 2014 and was at least 2.5 years old in fall 2014. At the date of this picture he was at least 3.5 years old.

Cameron County 8-year-old doe This deer was captured in WMU 2G in February 2009 as an adult on private land. That means she is at least 8.5 years old as of 2015.
We only age deer as adults or juveniles (<1 year old) when captured. That's because it is easy to identify a fawn (by body size and presence of original incisors or "baby teeth"). To age them as 1.5 or 2.5+ years old we would need to open the jaw (and possibly extract an incisor tooth) and it's just too stressful on the deer.
Thanks to Steven Hess for sharing this photo!

Doe on Susquehannock SF Three different females in habitat the area where this photo was taken. Two of them are at least 3.5 years old and the other is at least 4.5 years old.

Doe on Susquehannock SF Three different females in habitat the area where this photo was taken. Two of them are at least 3.5 years old and the other is at least 4.5 years old.

Buck Lehigh County This buck was probably captured in winter 2012 but we cannot positively identify him so all we can say is that he will be at least 4.5 years old during fall 2015. Of course, this assumes he is a buck captured in Lehigh County in 2012 and did not disperse into the county from a surrounding area.

Buck 8961 Bald Eagle State Forest This male was captured in February 2014 and will be at least 3.5 years old in fall 2015.

Buck 8961 Bald Eagle SF This buck was captured and radio-collared in winter 2014. He is still alive as of April 2015.

Buck 8961 Bald Eagle SF This buck was captured and radio-collared in winter 2014. He is still alive as of April 2015.