[Comment in brackets are by Jeannine and Duane]

From the Northern Crew:

The past week drastically slowed down for the Northern Crew. The week was full of monitoring the survival of our remaining fawn’s twice daily and performing biangulations to determine their locations. 

Although fawn capture has ended. The crew is still chasing fawns whenever the opportunity presents itself. On Friday Luke, Jackie, Brandon, and Josh chased a pair of twins hanging out near HWY 44.  On Saturday, Jackie and I chased after what we presume were the same pair.  Alas, they were just a big tease as they managed to escape both times. 

In addition to fawn survival monitoring, we had a truck get two flat tires.  The crew had a blast taking care of that while I was out sick. 

Overall, not the most eventful week but we are looking forward to vegetation plots starting up soon and  to the next round of bear trapping.  Brandon had 16 captures the last round, and 12 the capture period before that, so bear trapping is already off to a great start!

Field Crew Leader
PGC Deer and Elk Section


From the Southern Crew:

Hello all,

raccoon bearA fairly quiet week in the South …oddly. A few of us helped Nate wrap up his second bear trapping session in Rothrock at the beginning of the week. Monday we recaptured a male from this season and a calm raccoon. Tuesday was a 3 bear day. Male bear recap

Two of the bears were recaptures, but the third was new. Nate’s next round will be in Bald Eagle. Nate is currently up to 17 total captures!

The crew started their first round of veg plot fences completing ten plots. All were superplots, so there were four individual fences to check at each site. The crew also helped me with fawn locations. 

I put together a fawn capture summary for Tess and also turned our saliva samples in to her. I dropped my truck off at the garage to be checked out since the brake light came on. It’s starting to look like the end of the road for Squirtle the Turtle, but who knows. She’s been good to me over the past few years though.

Jessica, a volunteer, will be joining us this coming week. We’ll continue with survival checks, fences, and locations. 

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Field Crew Leader

PGC Deer and Elk Section


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