It has been a busy fall. In fact, so busy that Jeannine and I have had little time for writing new posts. However, the most important season for deer biologists is right upon us – the regular firearms season. We have written much about how deer respond to this hunting season (in the upper right-hand corner of this page type ‘rifle season’ into the search bar to find a few).
To try and make up for lost time, we’re going to release several posts this week that feature movements of deer during the rifle season. We hope you find them interesting.
For today we have a buck that lived in the Susquehannock State Forest. The year is 2016 and opening day was Monday, November 28th. The last day of the regular firearms season was December 10th.
For most of the time period for this deer the locations were collected every 20 minutes. Yellow dots indicate a location during legal hunting hours.
The next video takes you through the rest of the deer season plus a couple of days after.
After you have watched these movies, you should notice how little area he covered those 2 weeks compared to his home range throughout the year.

-Duane Diefenbach