That’s right folks. We are tweeting with the rest of the birds on Twitter.

We think our blog is the bomb! And we want everyone to know about it.

Ok, so we are a little biased. But given our loyal and wonderful blog readers, there has to be some truth to it.

We will be tweeting about the blog (which you already know about, of course).

So why should you check out our Twitter feed? Well, other aspects of research being conducted associated with The Deer-Forest Study will be included. Also, there will be fun retweets from our colleagues around the country.

Not a twitter user? No problem. You don’t need to tweet or even have a twitter account to see what’s going on.

Our Twitter handle is @WTDresearch and you can see all our tweets here.

Come see what we are singing about!

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And Follow us on Twitter @WTDresearch!